Getting more from existing assets: Maximising operational efficiency through digital tools
21 May 2025
Smart Utilities Stage
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Highlighting digital solutions to help utilities sweat their existing assets at a time of unprecedented delivery and asset management requirements. Learn how to improve efficiency on your existing network to minimise cost to customers.
Chair welcome and introductionBen Hargreaves, head of content - Utility Week
Harnessing wastewater modelling through long term sensing
Ally Potts, Technical Lead - Clean Rivers & Seas Task Force - Southern Water
Facilitating voltage optimisation through digitalisation of local grids
Roger Hey, Director - Smart GB
Using near real-time data to manage sludge stocks – improving decision making to enable effective movement through the process
Heather Naylor, WR Optimisation Project Manager - Anglian Water
Maximizing impact, minimizing cost: achieving operations excellence
Scott Broadley, Chief Customer Officer - FYLD