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Lenza tool workshop- shaping grid development to support local area decarbonisation

22 May 2024
Collaborate Exchange Stage

DSOs must prioritise collaboration with local authorities to achieve the UK’s net zero goal. It is critical to engage with all stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of decarbonisation plans to better inform strategic development of the grid. In return how can networks improve the transparency of the grid and aid local area energy planning? 

Join this interactive workshop to gain a deeper understanding of the LENZA tool and work through scenarios in groups to gain hands-on experience you can implement in your organisation. This workshop will uncover: 

  • How LENZA can help with Local Area Energy Plans 

  • How to successfully collaborate to drive efficiency and aid decarbonisation 

Rosie Robertson, SSEN Distribution

Rhys Williams, innovation project manager, SSEN Distribution
Rosie Robertson - SSEN Distribution
Rhys Williams, innovation project manager - SSEN Distribution