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NESO- Where are we now?

22 May 2024
Utility Week Forum Keynote Stage

To achieve the government’s target of a fully decarbonised energy system by 2035, the whole system needs root and branch reform. This will be led by the National Energy System Operator – a newly independent organisation which will drive a whole systems approach to electricity and gas to ensure security of supply and decarbonisation for the UK.   

Chair introduction
James Wallin, editor, Utility Week

Opening remarks - NESO Future landscape
Kayte O'Neill, director of transformation, ESO

Ben Godfrey, Director of Distribution System Operator, NGED

Martin Cook, CCO, National Gas

Teresa Camey, deputy director, energy system governance, DESNZ
James Wallin, editor - Utility Week
Kayte O'Neill, director of transformation - ESO
Ben Godfrey, Director of Distribution System Operator - NGED
Martin Cook, CCO - National Gas
Teresa Camey, deputy director, energy system governance - DESNZ