Northern Powergrid is the electricity distribution network operator for the North-East, Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire. It delivers power safely and reliably to 8 million customers across 3.9 million homes and businesses through its network of more than 63,000 substations and 60,000 miles of overhead power lines and underground cables, spanning some 9,650 square miles. In an evolving energy industry, Northern Powergrid has a key role in creating and managing future energy systems that increasingly interact with customers and smart and low carbon technologies through a Flexibility First approach to network management.
One of the ways we can be an enabler of the low carbon transition and meet future demand for electricity, is through the use of targeted Flexibility Services. We’re looking to contract with Flexibility Service Providers who can increase or decrease their energy consumption and/or generation at times requested by us to help us optimise the management of our network.
Northern Powergrid's Community DSO innovation project is a UK industry-first demonstrator project to develop and trial a future framework for Community Distribution Operation - empowering communities to have greater control over their energy and assets.
Find out more about Northern Powergrid at or on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Northern Powergrid98 Aketon Road
West Yorkshire
WF10 5DS
United Kingdom