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09 May 2018

Confined Space Cleaning Service

  • Confined Space Cleaning Service
  • Confined Space Cleaning Service
Confined Space Cleaning Service Confined Space Cleaning Service

Who may require confined space cleaning?

Animal and Food manufactures


  • If product becomes contaminated from water ingress, changing products, removing blockages.
  • Tanks/vessels and hoppers require annual inspections for insurance purposes and need cleaning and preparing for inspection.
  • Preparation for repair/modification work

Who may require confined space cleaning?



  • Periodic inspections and maintenance work require high risk confined space cleaning, changing of fuel/biofuel or other

Who may require confined space cleaning?

Power stations


  • Removal of blockages, maintenance of turbine plates removing and reapplying rust inhibitors.
  • Preparation for engineer works during planned shutdowns.
  • Insurance inspections  ?

These are just a few examples of situations and sectors that may need confined space cleaning, but confined space cleaning does affect nearly all industries. Total Access can clean voids, basements and pits for general fire prevention, hygiene and end of build cleans, silos and many more.
