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E-PEP (External Pipe End Plug)


The E-PEP series of patented Pipe End Plugs are fitted to the pipe end and hydraulically actuated, gripping the pipe externally.


The introduction of hydraulic set pressure activates a mechanical lock assembly that grips the outside diameter of the pipe whilst simultaneously energising an elastomeric seal

in the inside diameter. This allows the pipework to be quickly and efficiently pressure

tested with minimum preparation to the pipe end and no remedial work after the E-PEP is removed. A through-port allows the system to be filled and pressurised or vented through the E-PEP.

To remove the E-PEP from the pipe end, hydraulic pressure is applied to the unset circuit. Retracting the lock assembly and

de-energising the seal, allowing the tool to be removed. The E-PEP range covers pipe sizes

from 3” to 36” complementing the I-PEP range.
