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Reactec Analytics Software

A web hosted service means no footprint on your IT systems and the Analytics reports are accessed via an internet connection and secure login. The data is encrypted during transmission while the hosted data server is provided with access controls as used by many Government organisations.

More time to actively reduce exposure

With easy access to operator exposure levels records and tool usage, managers can utilise their time to proactively manage HAVs exposure risk far more efficiently than using a manual process.


Involves all duty holders

The Reactec Analytics reports are created automatically and easily distributed to all duty holders providing wider and easier access to information. This helps increase awareness throughout a company of the measure of controls and activities to revise them. The simple and concise reports help employees understand HAV risk and how to better manage them both reactively to daily occurrence and proactively to overall trends. They also demonstrate a company values the importance of worker welfare and team work.

  More accurate assessment of exposure to deploy more effective controls

Through a clearer understanding of the source and levels of exposure; related working practises; tool utilisation and performance; the Reactec Analytics Platform will provide greater accuracy and insight to enable employers to design out exposure risk through work and tool planning.

Reactec Analytics reports - Greater support of HSE controls

With a clearer understanding of the source and levels of exposure; related working practises and tool utilisation; the Reactec Analytics Platform plays a central role in providing the most representative exposure assessment of risks and insight to enable employers to prioritise and mitigate HAVS risks – proactively at all levels and stages.

1. Measure effectiveness of controls

Accurate and targeted monitoring is helpful to efficiently deploy and validate the effectiveness of controls to effect on-going reduction of risk. Check regularly that the programme of controls you have introduced is being carried out by your managers and employees.

Example: Use the reports to see if the levels of exposure from tools or HSE thresholds breaches are reducing over time.

2. Work schedules

View the time employees are exposed to vibration and the related HSE exposure points and thresholds. Understand tool use by operators to help plan work to avoid individuals being exposed to vibration for long, continuous periods.

Where tools require continual or frequent use, introduce employee rotas to limit exposure times (you should avoid employees being exposed for periods which are long enough to put them in the high risk group.

Example: Organise employees to work in teams where they switch tasks within the team to avoid individuals having unnecessarily high exposure to vibration.

3. Alternative work methods

From measuring exposure risk as part of an assessment use the reports to more accurately identify areas of risk and where to look for alternative work methods which eliminate or reduce exposure to vibration. Your trade association, other industry contacts, equipment suppliers and trade journals may help you identify good practice in your industry. Mechanise or automate the work.

Example: Use a breaker attachment on an excavating machine to break concrete rather than using a hand-held breaker. See for further examples.

4. Equipment selection

These reports help select or allocate equipment for tasks that can do the work efficiently. Details of tools used and by which operators during a selected time period. View and compare tool vibration magnitudes of tools used to help select the lowest vibration tools that are suitable and can do the work efficiently.

Equipment that is unsuitable, too small or not powerful enough is likely to take much longer to complete the task and expose employees to vibration for longer than is necessary. Limit the use of high-vibration tools wherever possible.

Example: To cut large holes in brickwork, use a diamond-tipped hole-cutting drill bit with a rotary action rather than a tungsten-tipped hole bit which requires rotary and hammer action.

5. Maintenance & purchasing policy for replacing old plant

View which make and model of tools contribute the most in terms of vibration exposure points and how long tools have been used. This can help maintenance scheduling, plan replacements and identify poor tool use. Work equipment is likely to be replaced over time as it becomes worn out, and it is important to choose replacements, so far as is reasonably practicable, which are suitable for the work, efficient and of lower vibration.

Examples: If a breaker has vibration-isolating handles, check how the machine must be operated to ensure the reduced vibration levels are achieved in use and ensure your operators have the necessary training. .

Check and sharpen chainsaw teeth regularly (following the manufacturer’s recommendations) to maintain the chainsaw's efficiency and to reduce the time it takes to complete the work.

Products & Services

  • Reactec Analytics Platform
  • HAV Risk Mobile App
  • Reactec Analytics Software
    • Control measures management
  • Tool Vibration Testing



