Smart Datastream
Procode has achieved what is known as DCC Other User accreditation, which means we have already passed all the stringent privacy and security audits required by the Smart Energy Code.
Organisations interested in tapping into the rich stream of smart meter data can now easily hook into our own tried and tested connection to the DCC. When the customer gives their consent, you will gain access not only to the real-time data stream but also to 13 months of historical data*.
*Access to smart data is available for SMETS2 and SMETS 1 E&A meters for which you have the customer’s consent.
By leveraging Procode’s tried and trusted connection to the DCC, you can develop innovative applications for energy customers and services for the public good without having to invest heavily in building your own connection to the DCC or undergoing expensive and time-consuming security audits.
The real-time and historic smart meter data accessible from the DCC pipeline enables you to promote energy efficiency, compare consumption over your portfolio and highlights areas of potentially wasted energy. The opportunities for next-generation businesses to use this data stream are limitless.