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Chris Brierley

Chris Brierley

senior advisor, Energy Systems Catapult
Chris is Energy Systems Catapult’s Senior Engagement & Impact Advisor with over two decades of experience in stakeholder engagement and strategic communications in a diverse range of roles liaising with key industry and government figures in the Net Zero space, including co-ordinating a response to the UK Government’s independent Net Zero Review. He has facilitated and organised many engagement events with MPs, Civic leaders, senior civil servants along with key industry figures in the energy and construction sectors helping to support knowledge sharing and encouraging collaboration. As Head of Corporate Affairs at the Active Building Centre, Chris led the creative approach to showcasing the impact and outputs from the IUK funded project. He now leads on the Catapult’s strategic place-based relationships across UK devolved nations and English regions.He’s a passionate believer in working collaboratively with individuals and organisations to deliver real change to the wellbeing of communities and society, and as a father of two small (ish) children he’s passionate about how education can support all children aspire and achieve their ambitions no matter their backgrounds.