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Holly Hensler

Holly Hensler

Senior Product Manager, Connected Places Catapult
Holly Hensler is a Senior Product Manager at Connected Places Catapult. She leads the product strategy and development of the CReDo, currently scaling up from the Climate Resilience Demonstrator to the Climate Resilience Decision Optimiser. CReDo is a climate adaptation connected digital twin that uncovers the invisible interdependencies across infrastructure sectors, modelling the cross-sectoral cascade failures that come from extreme weather. CReDo's future development state will include a decision support tool that showcases how users can best spend their resilience investment to mitigate both intra-sector and cross-sector risks. Learning from product and technology experts in the private sector, Holly specialises in bringing innovative product ways of working, efficiency and a customer-first approach to the large, complex problems we face in climate, infrastructure, transport and cities.