Nick Winser
Clean Power 2030
Nick Winser CBE has enjoyed a 30-year career in the energy sector which included being CEO of National Grid across UK and Europe, President of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, and CIGRE UK Chair. Inaugural Chair of Energy Systems Catapult from 2015-2024, Nick was appointed Chair of the Advisory Board for the Energy Revolution ISCF programme in 2018. This was followed by his appointment in 2022 as the Government’s Electricity Networks Commissioner, and in October 2024 his appointment as a Commissioner on the Government’s Clean Power Advisory Commission. Nick is also Energy Commissioner at the National Infrastructure Commission, and Senior Independent Director at Greencoat UK Wind. Nick is both a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, serving as its President in 2017/18, and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. Additionally, he is a former Chair of the MS Society and a former member of the Board of the Kier Group
20-May-2025Utility Week Keynote StageLeading the energy transformation – can we really create a clean power system by 2030?