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Joby Boxall

Joby Boxall

professor of water infrastructure engineering, University of Sheffield
Professor Joby Boxall, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, is a leading international expert in urban water engineering, known for research on drinking water distribution systems infrastructure. He provides industry and society with sustainable engineering solutions through the development of new fundamental understanding evidenced experimentally. He has had major influence in the fields of water quality, leakage and asset management for water distribution systems. The impact of his research is in the hard category, preventative maintenance ahead of failure. This including over £400M in efficiency saving for trunk main applications 2014-21, international best practices, and engineering analysis software and tools. He is Professor of Water Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Sheffield, and was Head of Department of Civil and Structural Engineering 2017-21. He is a Chartered Engineer and Environmentalist and Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management. Joby’s research interests are concerned with understanding and modelling hydraulic, water quality and infrastructure performance and interactions. He is focused on research addressing the grand challenges facing water, including leading the EPSRC grand challenge consortium on sustainable clean water for all, TWENTY65 (