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Utility Week Live Cookie Policy

Cookies on

All Faversham House Ltd websites use cookies for a variety of purposes. These include enabling you to log in and access your account on the site, differentiating between new and returning users for the purpose of site traffic analytics, and controlling the frequency and targeting of advertising. Additionally our site may deliver third-party cookies via third-party advertising or applications such as social media sharing buttons – these do not fall within our control.

Controlling cookies

You can use your browser settings to control or block cookies from all sites or from individual websites. For more information on how to do this, see:

More about cookies on this site

The cookies we use on this site include:

Essential cookies

These allow users to have services like shopping baskets or e-billing etc.

ASPSESSIONID – ? stores ASP session details for users, e.g. maintaining logged-in state

Performance cookies

These are anonymous cookies used for website improvement services, like web analytics, gauging advert response rates and error management

__utma – Google, This cookie keeps track of the number of times a visitor has been to the site pertaining to the cookie, when their first visit was, and when their last visit occurred

__utmb – Works with __utma

__utmc – Google, calculate how long a visit takes

__utmz – Google, where the visitor came from, what search engine you used, what link you clicked on, what keyword you used, and where they were

Functionality cookies

They control user preferences like website personalisation, layout of the page, and the storing of user IDs

poll000 – this prevents users from voting more than once in a poll

lastVisit – last time the current logged-in user visited the site, used to display reminders etc

signuk_RefID – stores a code used to check if current logged-in user is logged in/valid

UserID – stores a user ID, used with hash key to validate logged-in user

country – numeric value used for translation purposes

ch – last, or currently selected channel for all/current user

Targeting/advertising cookies

__gads – set by DFP/Doubleclick for every user. This enables us to control the targeting and frequency of advertising

Behavioural advertising

You may be shown advertising on other websites via the Google Display Network, as a result of visiting this site. If you are concerned about behavioural advertising and how to control or prevent it, please see for more information.

Third-party cookies

It is possible that cookies are also delivered via third-party adverts or links on our site. These do not come under our control and are therefore not covered by our cookie/privacy policy. However, any such cookies would not have access to any personal data stored by this site.

ASP provide and host this website for Faversham House Limited. ASP is registered with the UK Data Commissioner as Data Controllers and hold all the data within the UK.